Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Your Trip is just Around the Corner

Hello travelers,

I am getting ready for upcoming trip to Arizona this weekend. I am excited to see my family for Easter weekend. Getting ready for a trip is a stressful time. Make sure that you print your boarding pass the day before your trip if you are traveling by plane. Printing your boarding pass will save you time in the airport. If you are running late, you won't have to wait in line to get your boarding pass, you can just go directly to security and to the gate. Packing is another stressful aspect of travel. Before you pack, check the weather of your destination. Also make sure to bring a variety of clothes for different weather. You never know if the weather will randomly change. Also if it helps, write a list of things you need and check them off as you pack them. If these trips your travels will be more successful.

Talk to you later,
Amy Bernstein

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