Thursday, April 28, 2011

Parasailing in Lake Tahoe

As mentioned before in one of my previous blog entries, one of my favorite times to visit Lake Tahoe is during the summer. Yes, I do know that everyone, including myself loves the snow but sometimes it is nice to have your windows rolled down, listening to your music full blast, not worrying about anything. One of my favorite things to do in Lake Tahoe during the summer is to go parasailing. This truly is one of the best things I have ever done. Imagine, being on a boat, and all of the sudden being lifted by the wind when the boat takes off. The driver lowers the parasail so that your feet can touch the water. The feeling is truly too great for words. As your toes touch the water, look over to your side and watch the fish try to beat you as they swim as fast as they can. I loved being in the air and out of no where, my feet were in the water. The surprises we face, even during an activity such as this one are unexpected. They remind us of the turns life takes when we least expect it. What is the price you may ask? I was shocked when I found out that something as fun as this was not that expensive. For twenty minutes, we were in the air and only paid thirty five dollars. The driver of the boat was very nice and explained everything to us before we took off. Of course, as all businesses do, they tried to sell us a picture after our adventure. Luckily, my friends mom had taken many pictures of us. ( Tip: Have someone go on the boat with you to take pictures for FREE, therefore you can still have the memories and not pay anything!)Every time that I take a trip to Tahoe, I stop by the Truckee river and take part in this activity. I really recommend it.
Until next time!

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