Sunday, April 24, 2011

Holy Week

Hey guys!!

Since today it's Easter, I think it was a good idea to share with you what people usually do for Holy Week. Schools, universities and government organizations are closed since Thursday and the private companies and rest of the country close on Friday because Panama is a Catholic country. Most of the people leave the city and go to the beach or the country side to enjoy this holiday.

Although people on these days should reflect and go to church, they do completely the opposite. Since everybody is on the beach people throw parties on their beach houses and do BBQ on Saturday.

Good Friday is the only day that one can say that people stay calm. It is prohibited to sell alcohol during this day and also you are not allowed to play loud music. People also avoid eating meat and they base their meals in seafood. Seafood is really good in Panama and also very cheap.

There is also a legend that says that if you go to the beach on Good Friday and get in the water you will become a fish. Of course this is not true but is what parents tell their kids so they stop bothering them that they want to go to the beach. There is also another legend that says that one farmer was working on Good Friday and his donkey spoke to him and told him: "not today, tomorrow."

Easter is similar to Easter here in the US. Kids receive candy from the Easter bunny. People go to mass with the family and then return to the city.

Happy Easter!!

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