Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Viet Nam

My favorite place to travel to is my motherland, Viet Nam.  I've been back 3 times and will be going again this summer.  What draws me back each time is the lifestyle.

The Lifestyle: It is almost a complete 180 when coming to this country.  Unlike America where we try to cram as many activities as we can into a day, the atmosphere is much more relaxed and friendly, even when in big developed cities such as Saigon. For example, people take naps during the noon time!  Another story: the main mode of transportation in Viet Nam is a motorcyle.  If a random bout of rain sweeps in, people in transit will just pull over on the side and just wait for the storm to pass.  Houses along the street graciously open up their front gate to allow strangers to park their motorcycle there and invite them to come inside for cover from the rain.  After the storm passes, the people will simple continue with their daily routine.

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