Saturday, April 16, 2011

Carnival in Panama

The carnival is the biggest party in Panama and people start getting ready for it months in advance. This might sound crazy but some people start saving money for the next ones as soon as they get back from the carnivals of the current year. People go crazy!!! they spend all their money in hotels, parties and alcohol. and it's not just the young ones but parents and older people too! it is not uncommon to hear that some kids do not have their books for school because their parents spent it all during carnivals.
The carnivals take place every year, 40 days before Holy week so the date varies every year. They are celebrated all around the country!!! so if you do not like the noise and craziness you better get out on time before they start and thats exactly what my family does. Even though most people love the carnivals some others take advantage of this holiday to travel.
The carnivals start the Friday before Ash Wednesday and they go until Tuesday night.
On Friday night is the presentation of the two queens of the town and people kind of dress up. After the presentation people either hang out in the park or go out to parties! you are allowed to drink in the street at this time of the year!!! usually people party until 5am.
Saturday morning people are ready to get drenched at 10am so people wear whatever they want. It is the time of the year when its OK to be ridiculous!! and some people really take advantage of it. The dancing, drinking and getting soaked in water keeps going until 5pm. At this time people go back home to eat something and maybe take a nap to be ready for the party at night!!! people usually get their tickets before the carnivals for these parties.
This routine is repeated on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Tuesday is usually the craziest day because it is the last one and people go all out.
The city of Las Tablas is known for having the best carnivals but everywhere you go you are going to have a good time if this is your kind if party.
watch this video to get an idea of how are the carnival's party during the day

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