Saturday, April 30, 2011

The next place I would like to travel to is...

I would love to visit any country in South America or travel to the Artic.  I have never been to any of these continents and as I have mentioned in a previous post, it is one of my life goals to travel to all 7 continents.

South America: After learning about the language and culture through high school years and growing up in a Latino neighborhood, I look forward to being able to see and experience the culture.  Of course, by now I have forgotten most of the Spanish that I've learned, but that will not prevent me from going!

Antarctica: Why would anyone go here?  I want to go because of 2 reasons: travel to all 7 continents and to see the aurora borealis/australias!  I've always seen these lights and photos and can't even imagine how magnificent it would be to see it in person!

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