Saturday, May 7, 2011

Spontaneous Trip

It's always been on my bucket list to take a spontaneous trip!  During the 2010 winter break, I was laying in bed reading a book when I received a phone call from my friend.
Hai: "Hey do you want to go grab a burrito...?"
Me: "Sure!"
Hai: "...In Mexico?!?!"

WOW, wait, what?  Drive all the way to Mexico just to get a burrito?!  That's crazy!  I laughed and instantly agreed to leave the next morning.  The next day, we gathered a car full of friends and started our drive down to the border.  The funny thing was, we didn't even know where the border was, except that it was South.  Eventually, we somehow managed to reach the border around midnight and passed through with ease.  The "only" concern was that Hai did not have a passport with him because it was locked away in a safe and unable to be accessed by him.  So, all he had was a copy of his current passport and an old passport!  The moment we made it through border patrol, we all joked around and asked Hai if he was ready to start his life in Mexico because he wouldn't be able to make it back to American soil!  But alas, it was pointless to worry about getting him back into the country until the time we cross back again, so we ventured on with our journey.

On the way to Mexico

On the car ride down, we decided that one of our goals was to visit the beach.  After passing border patrol and stopping by a gas station to fill up for gas, we realized the dire situation we were in.  
1.  We had no pesos.
2.  We could barely speak comprehensive Spanish (the years in high school were too long ago).
3.  We had no map of Mexico.
Nevertheless, these obstacles did not stop us!  We had to constantly stop every 5 minutes to ask for directions to "la playa", trying to communicate with the people through hand waves and gestures.  We eventually made it to the beach after many stops and u-turns, and dipped our feet in the icy, cold water.

We decided to park the car on a random slope overlooking the beach coast and shared conversations until we nodded off into a much-needed sleep.  We received a visit by the local police holding AK-47s asking if we had beer in the car.  We immediately replied no and breathed a sigh of relief as the cops drove away.

The next morning, we drove to puerto nuevo to eat lobster and burritos.  After eating to our heart's content, we began our drive back to America.  When we got to the border, security thankfully accepted Hai's old passport and let us through with no major issues.

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