Thursday, May 19, 2011

Don't Forget...

Hello there everybody!
DON'T FORGET your camera like I did last time I went. There were so many cool pictures I wanted to take and I couldn't because I forgot my camera. Although you can buy a disposable one there at the gift shop, those are a bit expensive. That reminds me...Don't forget to take a look around the gift shop after taking a tour of the island. Even though some things may seem ridiculously expensive, there are some pretty cool trinkets and souvenirs to take back to your friends and family who did not get to participate in this adventure. The items vary from t-shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, post cards, bags, and even key chains. It may seem like a waste of money before you buy something, but you won't regret it after because when you go back home, you can keep your souvenir forever and take a look at it once in a while to remind you of your adventure. The gift shop is one of the most important places to visit because it combines everything you learn and see into things you can buy and take with you. Just a couple of tips for all of you.
Off you go!

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