Monday, May 23, 2011

Sight Seeing in Seattle

Hello Passengers,

I am going to talk about Seattle. I have cousins who live in the Seattle area and have visited them a few times. I actually went last November for Thanksgiving. It was really cold and there was snow on the ground when we arrived. There are many things to do in Seattle. You can sight see, shop and eat at a multitude of amazing restaurants. When we were in Seattle last November, I spent a lot of time shopping and sight seeing.

My sister and I shopped at the Westfield Southcenter, which is located at 633 Southcenter Seattle, WA. It was a huge mall and had tons of shops. I got a good deal of early Christmas shopping done there.

Friday was sight seeing day. We went to Experience Music Project Museum(EMP) and the Space Needle. The EMP was full of musical instruments of past performers and other musical equipment for guests to learn how to play. You can even go into a room with a green screen and make a music video. Inside the room is instruments and microphones. When the music starts, you can pretend to sing or play an instruments. After you are done, you can buy a DVD of your performance or My family made a music video to Hey Ya!

The Space Needle is 605 feet tall and has an observation deck at 520 feet and a restaurant at 500 feet. The views are gorgeous and I encourage you to check them out for yourself next time you are in the Seattle area.

My brother and I on observation Deck on Space Needle

Happy Travels,


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