Sunday, May 29, 2011

A trip for my fifteen year birthday

In Panama like in most of the Latin American countries when a girl turns fifteen years is a big deal. Now people not only make parties but also they go on a trip. I choose a trip over a party and I went to Disney and a cruise in the Caribbean for 2 weeks. We were a group of 150 girls and half of the girls were in my school so it was really fun. The first week we went to Orlando, we went to all the parks: Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Universal Studios, Island of Adventure, Sea World, Epcot, Bush Gardens and Hollywood Studios. We stayed at the All-Star Movie Hotel and I shared a room with four of my friends. The second week was a cruise in the Caribbean. We visited Jamaica, Gran Cayman, Cozumel and Haiti. It was really fun and the food on the cruise was really good. While we were on the cruise we ice skated, went to karaokes and went to the pool. We had to formal dinners. The waiters were all really nice! there was pizza and sandwiches 24/7 and the room service was also included which meant that sometimes at 4am my friends and I were ordering nachos!! there was also ice cream by the pool, which was really good also. On the cruise there was a Johny Rockets, the food there was not included but it was very very cheap!! for only 3.95 you would get the hamburger, fries, soda and ice cream for dessert. I remember that after we came back from Jamaica we went straight to Johny Rockets because we were starving and OMG we ate so fast!! It was the first time I had Johny Rockets, in Panama there was not any of those but they recently opened one.

here is a pic of my friends and I at the cruise...

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