Monday, May 2, 2011

Makapu'u Tidepools

This is one of my favorite places to go.  If it wasn't so hard to get to, I would be there all the time.  However, if it was that easily accessible, it would be crowded all the time as well.  Makapu'u Tidepools is something all the locals know about, but only go once in a while due to the conditions to get there.  Basically, you hike up the mountain as if you were going to the Makapu'u Lighthouse, and almost to the top, you take a detour and scale down the mountain-side.  Once you hit the bottom, there are these wonderful tidepools where you can just relax and play.  Sometimes, when the waves are big enough, the blow holes are shooting water and mist into the air.  It is a pretty hard thing to find mostly due to the fact only locals seem to go there, but if you can figure it out, I would definitely recommend it.
This is what it looks like midway up.
Here are some views on the hike down.

This is the destination.


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