Sunday, May 15, 2011


I blogged two days ago about Spicy Bronco, an event that I was organizing. The event was yesterday and it was a success!!! I am so happy with the results. People had a good time and there were many people, more than usual. This is an event that we organize every quarter, it is basically a night when we play music in Spanish and only Spanish. It is the one night when we have the opportunity to celebrate our culture.
I am this year's PR for the Latino club and that is why I was in charged of Spicy Bronco. This is my last one and I feel relieved that I am done with my job but at the same time I know that I am going to miss it. Even though it was very stressful sometimes and I felt frustrated many many time and y even wanted to quit, it was also fun!! This job gave me th
e opportunity to meet many people on campus and it made me learn many things.
The only times when I did not like it was when I felt that I had no cooperation from the other board members and when people did not appreciate all the effort I was putting into it.

Last night I had an amazing time with my friends!! and I am definitely looking forward for next year's spicy broncos!! I will only miss the one in the fall because i'll be abroad.

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