Friday, June 3, 2011

Safe and smart traveling

It is important to have fun while traveling, but you should also remember how to travel smart and safe.

First, always keep your important documents (passports, visas, medical information, money) on your body at all times. These can be kept in a passport pouch that is tucked away underneath your clothes and safety pinned to your clothes. Though it may be uncomfortable, it is a necessary sacrifice to make. This is to prevent your important documents and money from being pickpocketed. The safety pin is a guard against pickpocketers who cut the string holding your passport pouch.

It is also important to have an open mind and an awareness for the culture that you are in. Remember that you are not in America so of course things will be different and what may seem normal to you might offend another or vice versa.

Remember that you can never be too careful when you are traveling. At the same time, do not let this hinder you from fully experiencing the culture.

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