Friday, June 3, 2011

Safe and smart traveling

It is important to have fun while traveling, but you should also remember how to travel smart and safe.

First, always keep your important documents (passports, visas, medical information, money) on your body at all times. These can be kept in a passport pouch that is tucked away underneath your clothes and safety pinned to your clothes. Though it may be uncomfortable, it is a necessary sacrifice to make. This is to prevent your important documents and money from being pickpocketed. The safety pin is a guard against pickpocketers who cut the string holding your passport pouch.

It is also important to have an open mind and an awareness for the culture that you are in. Remember that you are not in America so of course things will be different and what may seem normal to you might offend another or vice versa.

Remember that you can never be too careful when you are traveling. At the same time, do not let this hinder you from fully experiencing the culture.

Preparation for summer trip

I am extremely excited for my summer travels this summer. Lately my family has been preparing for our medical mission trip. We need to pack medicine and toothpaste into boxes because it is cheaper to buy those in America. Furthermore, the quality of these items cannot compare to the quality offered by American products.

There will be several college atudents going with the group of doctors. Because most of us do not have any medical experience, we will assisting with translation between the doctors and the patient. I also have another responsibility of taking care of daily liturgies because I can play the guitar. I plan to buy a guitar in Vietnam because I will not be able to bring my own guitar. Due to the climate change, it would be unwise to bring a guitar from America because the climate in Vietnam is much more humid and hot. This will cause the guitar to delaminate.

I cannot wait to meet my friends again who I have made friendships with from my previous trips. I also look forward to eating good and cheap food. The conversion rate is extremely favorable for USD.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A trip for my fifteen year birthday

In Panama like in most of the Latin American countries when a girl turns fifteen years is a big deal. Now people not only make parties but also they go on a trip. I choose a trip over a party and I went to Disney and a cruise in the Caribbean for 2 weeks. We were a group of 150 girls and half of the girls were in my school so it was really fun. The first week we went to Orlando, we went to all the parks: Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Universal Studios, Island of Adventure, Sea World, Epcot, Bush Gardens and Hollywood Studios. We stayed at the All-Star Movie Hotel and I shared a room with four of my friends. The second week was a cruise in the Caribbean. We visited Jamaica, Gran Cayman, Cozumel and Haiti. It was really fun and the food on the cruise was really good. While we were on the cruise we ice skated, went to karaokes and went to the pool. We had to formal dinners. The waiters were all really nice! there was pizza and sandwiches 24/7 and the room service was also included which meant that sometimes at 4am my friends and I were ordering nachos!! there was also ice cream by the pool, which was really good also. On the cruise there was a Johny Rockets, the food there was not included but it was very very cheap!! for only 3.95 you would get the hamburger, fries, soda and ice cream for dessert. I remember that after we came back from Jamaica we went straight to Johny Rockets because we were starving and OMG we ate so fast!! It was the first time I had Johny Rockets, in Panama there was not any of those but they recently opened one.

here is a pic of my friends and I at the cruise...

"Chiva Parrandera"

The chiva parrandera is very popular in Panama. If you are into parties you should definitely ride one of those if you ever go to Panama. It basically is a party bus but without air conditioner and it has the windows open all the time. People go standing and dancing. It is usually a 3-hour-ride.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Hawaiian Monk Seal

The Hawaiian monk seal is an earless seal that is endangered and native to Hawaii.  You often find them basking in the sun on the sand at local beaches.  Be careful not to get too close!

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

The Big Island of Hawaii is made up of five volcanoes.  Mauna Loa and Kilauea are located in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.  Mauna Loa last erupted in 1984, and Kilauea has been continuously eruting since 1983 and is the world's most active volcano.  This National Park is a great tourist attraction.  You will be able to see a lot of Mauna Loa's creation and learn about the history.  If you're lucky, you may even be able to witness Kilauea in action!


For the past few years, my most favorite treat would be acai bowls.  Acai is a Brazilian berry that comes either in a juice or a frozen concentrate.  It is very organic, and these products are always made with 100% acai berries.  The way I like it the most would be in “bowl form.”  This means that the acai product is blended with ice, soymilk or apple juice, bananas, and a variety of other berries such as strawberries, blueberries, and/or raspberries.  So, it turns out to be sort of like a smoothie, but much thicker.  Obviously, it is then put into a bowl topped with granola, bananas and other fruit, and honey.  As you can sort of tell, there are many different variations of this special treat. 
Another way to enjoy this treat would be in smoothie form.  It is basically the same ingredients as the bowl, but there is usually more fruits included and it isn’t as thick as the bowl.
            So where can you get this?  Basically almost every smoothie shop, or dessert shop, or food spot will be serving this.  Everyone has their own favorites and supports the store that makes it.  My favorite is when the acai bowl is pretty plain.  I like the acai blended with apple juice and just strawberries and bananas, topped with granola, honey, and bananas. 
            Back on Oahu, Hawaii, these are my favorite places to get acai products and their approximate prices:
            Blue Hawaii Lifestyles: $8
            Jamba Juice: $7
            Jewel or Juice: $8
            Mocha Java: $8
            Blazin’ Steaks: $7
            Red Ginger: $7
            Lanikai Juice: $7
Acai berry