Thursday, April 14, 2011

A little about myself..

Hello everybody!

I am very excited to share my travel stories and experiences with all of you. These memories will stay with me forever, and it is an honor to be able to share them all with you. Not only will I be writing about them, but I will also be posting pictures and tips for you all.

But, first off, my name is Lissette Ramos and I am a sophomore at SCU. Throughout my four years here at Santa Clara, I will be working towards a double major in communications and spanish with a minor in sociology. I was born and raised in Alameda, Ca. This beautiful little island is my home and if any of you ever get the chance to visit, I would recommend it. I will be blogging about Alameda at least once for all of you who are curious to learn. I love to travel because I meet new people, see new things, and as I walk into somewhere foreign, I immediately embrace the culture. I have been to many different places around the world and plan to visit many more throughout college, as well as after I graduate.

So, buckle your seat belts and prepare yourselves to dive into some amazing places!

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